Into The Wild // Bad Trip

Описание к видео Into The Wild // Bad Trip

I'm back and finally finished a video. It took me ages to get something done, and I'm sorry for that.
Its something for the heart, something I can relate to. Wanting to wander off and escape all the stress and despair of our society.

I hope you guys can enjoy this!!

*thank you to my beautiful girlfriend for always supporting me, motivating me and even helping me with the video. Also, thank you guys! I never would've made this without you.


Into The Wild is my favourite movie of all times, and I just had to make a video.
I thought the song goes very well with the movie, I also thought the connection between a literal bad trip and a bad acid trip was very clever.
I used only a few effects and editing because everything else would destroy the vibe of the already beautiful movie.

If you haven't watched it, I recommend you do! You will understand.. :)

For the music, I just love Derek Pope. He created some beautiful songs, and has a bright future ahead of him. I'm a fan already!

Movie Footage: "Into the Wild" (2007)
Song used: "Derek Pope - Bad Trip"    • Derek Pope - Bad Trip (Official Music...  


тоска [toska] is russian and its a unique word. It describes everything you can feel in between wanderlust, sadness, nostalgia, melancholy
for me, I figured it's that peaceful feeling you might get when you look up to the stars at night.

I have a twitter, but I use it for private things, mostly in german. Drop a follow if that doesn't bother you, dm's are always open and I love to talk to new people:   / methfist0  


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