Addiction Is a Chronic Relapsing Brain Disease, Part 1

Описание к видео Addiction Is a Chronic Relapsing Brain Disease, Part 1

The full title of this talk is "Addiction Is a Chronic Relapsing Brain Disease; An Overview of the Neurobiology of Addiction and Recovery"

Part 1 of 2 of a presentation at CCSAD 2016 by Robert Simpson, MD, Dipl. ABAM. The description of the talk follows:

"This presentation will address the roles of; stress, genetics/epigenetics, reward dysregulation, memory and motivation as the basis for addiction, as outlined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine. There will be an overview of relevant research and brain imaging, which will presented in an informative yet approachable manner. The objective is to help the listener to
understand the neurobiological basis for the behaviors of individuals with the disease of addiction. To understand why abstinence based recovery is a sensible approach based upon these mechanisms and why 12 step recovery fosters both brain remodeling and behavior change. The objective is to help the audience foster recognition of and compassion for the behaviors addicted individuals as being manifestations of a disease state."

C4 Recovery Solutions, a non-profit organization is a global organization dedicated to promoting accountability-based treatment services, increasing access to treatment, and educating and training addiction treatment professionals. Through its conferencing division, C4 Recovery Solutions operates four annual educational events for addiction and mental health professionals including the renowned Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders (CCSAD), West Coast Symposium on Addictive Disorders (WCSAD), Clinical Overview of the Recovery Experience (CORE), and Addiction Executives Industry Summit (AXIS).

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