Landlord Maxxing

Описание к видео Landlord Maxxing

Landlord Maxxing: Today we are going to be talking about the hardest working sub group in the world yes today we are going to be talking about landlords, now to the rentoids that are already seething just know that I am already on the phone to your landlords and have convinced them to increase your rents by 10% maybe you will think twice about only leaving a 20% tip on the rent next time. But anyway back to the video the inspiration for this video was that I came across this heartbreaking post that I recently saw. It begins “Recently bryans rent was increased by 500$ which meant that he would no longer be able to live in his apartment and because he works 2 jobs and volunteers at the orphanage he wouldn’t be able to make up the increased amount, hearing this it made me shed a tear as I signed the rental increase agreement and slid it under bryans door.” Truly a heart tugging post, the landlord in that story really does have a heart of gold empathising with their tenant in such an emotional way. In this video we will be looking at how to landlord max and how one that is a rentoid may be able to join the backbone of society and start actually providing some value instead of just being a leech like most rentoids. What you need to start with is a deposit that means you actually have to get a job instead of leeching off of hardworking landlords and when you have finally saved up enough money you can go out into the property market and begin your search of what we in the business like to call a fixer upper. Find a sh house on a nice street essentially and when you finally get the keys you need to immediately find a tenant because as a landlord you should always seek to maximise value to society and any days that you are not renting out that house are days that value isnt being created and frankly its quite unpatriotic of you to needlessly keep a house off the market for bogus reasons such as repairs or gas leaks or whatever. Now with your initial property you need to make sure that you scout the local area and charge the exact same as all the other landlords so that you don’t accidentally undercut your fellow brothers in land, that’s a dire sin in the law of landlord maxxing, what you need to do is reach out and ask to be let into the landlord groupchat yea btw there are landlord groupchats where you can hang out and chat about all things landlord like raising rents, kicking out tenants, how to get out of doing repairs etc but in that chat most importantly is the bimonthly rent increase vote in which all landlords vote on whether to increase the rent, so far the past 370 votes has been a unanimous yes but we still like to draw the votes out of a hat as a fun community get together. When the vote is passed all landlords increase rent prices collectively so that rentoids have no choice but to stay, theres also a bonus award for anyone that can come up with the funniest reason as to why the rent was hiked, so far joel is in the lead with “ the price of cement has increased so that means rent must increase” these houses were built 50 years ago but the rentoids will have to deal with it anyway hahaha. As a landlord you will often face hard decisions as you go about your stressful days such as how much should a rentoid tip and when is the best time to evict a single mother? There are actually mathematical formulas created so that you can maximise your take home and deliver the maximum amount of value to your tenants. The formula for landlord tip% is a pretty basic formula as landlord tipping is essential it will be classed as a type zero product such that decreases in income wont lead to decreases in tipping ideally you want to maintain a 25% tip minimum with a service charge of 10% and leave a tip jar just outside their door should they feel the urge to actually pull their weight and contribute to society. The single mother index is what I usually look to when im thinking about evicting a single mother when the index is at 25% or greater it usually Is beneficial to evict the single mother as the chance of acquiring a new tenant at a higher rate is high at 25% but when the single mother index is looking to peak or starts to retrace you ideally need to just increase rents on the current tenants and hope to be able to weather the downtrend until sunnier skies and higher rates of single motherhood.,


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