Dev-Driven Automated Deployments Like a Cloud Native Pro (Even if You’re a... - Juozas Gaigalas

Описание к видео Dev-Driven Automated Deployments Like a Cloud Native Pro (Even if You’re a... - Juozas Gaigalas

Dev-Driven Automated Deployments Like a Cloud Native Pro (Even if You’re a Beginner) - Juozas Gaigalas, Weaveworks

This talk shows two exciting demos right from an IDE. The first is for the app developer in VS Code, kicking off a complex deployment in Kubernetes, with canary capabilities, and compliant and secure policies all in place. That app developer doesn’t have to wait in long queues for the Platform team to manage the request. The dev can also execute this deployment without needing to know what’s under the hood or being a Kubernetes expert. You execute the deployment and get back building great apps, being innovative, and helping the team be competitive. The second demo is for the platform team on how to set up this type of capability for internal customers. The talk will show how to set up the deployment using an open source GitOps extension for VS Code, Kubernetes, and other tools for deployments that are scalable, secure, and policy-driven. Moreover, the talk will cover how to make these capabilities self-service so that the platform team doesn’t have to manage each request manually. By the end of this talk, App Devs will have a tool to increase their development velocity, and Platform teams will be able to automate these processes so that they aren’t bogged down with manual services, maintenance, and fires.


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