Dazzle's Facet: Poison Bloom

Описание к видео Dazzle's Facet: Poison Bloom

I just realized I said “harpoon” at the end of the video instead of “hurricane pike”!!! My mistake! I would not recommend harpoon on Dazzle.

In this video, we will go over how to adjust your play to get the most out of Dazzle's new facet, Poison Bloom. In 7.36a, Dazzle's Poison Bloom is by far, the best facet that Dazzle has and should be picked every game. We will go over how Poison Bloom helps in the laning stage, farming the jungle, and teamfights. I will also go over how to make different considerations on item choices for supports and carries. #dazzle #dota2 #poisontouch #shallowgrave #shadowwave #badjuju #poisonbloom #attackspeed #support #core #mid #safelane #offlane #rightclick #hex #aggressiveplay #facet #poisontouch #nothlboon #dota


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