色素沉淀的主要类型 |怎么预防色素沉淀?What are the types of pigmentation? How to prevent?

Описание к видео 色素沉淀的主要类型 |怎么预防色素沉淀?What are the types of pigmentation? How to prevent?

你是否有色素沉淀的困扰?色素沉淀有什么类型?有些人也会比其他人更容易出现色素沉着。 让蓝美兰医生来教我们要怎么预防色素沉淀!

Are you suffering from pesky pigmentations? Do you know that there are many types of pigmentations? Find out from Dr Lam Bee Lan how to prevent pigmentation!

什么是色素沉淀?色素沉淀是怎么形成的?:    • 什么是色素沉淀?色素沉淀是怎么形成的?What is Pigmentati...  
我们要如何对抗黑斑问题?|什么医美疗程可以帮助我们解决色素沉淀?:   • 我们要如何对抗黑斑问题?|什么医美疗程可以帮助我们解决色素沉淀?|What...  

Dr Lam's Instagram: @drlambeelan
Dr Lam's email: [email protected]

Hi I'm Dr Lam Bee Lan, I have served in the medical profession for over 20 years and specialize in aesthetics for over 15 years. I'm glad you found my video, please be sure to check out my YouTube channel where you'll find videos of me sharing information about aesthetic treatments in the market, from botox and fillers to fat reduction devices. I hope you enjoy watching.


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