The Descendants and Amici of Plati and Calabria, Italy 1st Annual Picnic Reunion.

Описание к видео The Descendants and Amici of Plati and Calabria, Italy 1st Annual Picnic Reunion.

The Descendents and Amici of Plati and Calabria held its First Annual Picnic Reunion at Brady's Run Park on Saturday August 20, 2022. Our group was formed to carry forward the allegiance and bond our parents and grandparents maintained for each other throughout the years as they established new lives in a strange and distant land away from family support and friends they left behind. Whether it was a family member, a friend or a simple association with a fellow countryman from the other side of a vast ocean, our parents and grandparents from this small village and the surrounding towns that dot the landscape in the shadow of the Aspromonte mountain range in southen Calabria, Italy never strayed far from each other no matter what the circumstances. We honor their devotion to family and friends, the the many laughs we collectively shared at family gatherings and the infamous picnics they organized over what seemed to be every other week during the summer months throughout our childhood. Above all, we cherish every moment and countless memory spent together that all of us hold dear to our hearts each day.

Thank you to all who were able to attend and we look forward to building upon this experience in years to come.


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