SHUNTA MORIMOTO / Nocturne No.6 Des-Dur Op.63 (Faure) ー 森本隼太/ノクターン第6番(フォーレ)

Описание к видео SHUNTA MORIMOTO / Nocturne No.6 Des-Dur Op.63 (Faure) ー 森本隼太/ノクターン第6番(フォーレ)

#piano #classic


森本隼太ピアノ・リサイタル 2023「幻想」

東京 銀座王子ホール
兵庫県立芸術文化センター 神戸女学院小ホール


5 STARS Vol.1 森本隼太ピアノ・リサイタル
~ピティナ 十代の演奏家シリーズVol.20~  より

♪フォーレ :ノクターン 第6番 Op.63 変ニ長調

森本隼太 Shunta Morimoto

国内ではピティナ・ピアノコンペティションにて2018年G級金賞、2020年特級銀賞および聴衆賞、第8回福田靖子賞等を受賞。海外では2019年PIANALE International Piano Academy & Competition審査員賞、特別賞KNS Classicalを受賞。2022年Hastings International Piano Concerto Competitionにて一位受賞。
2020年AOIDE Scholarshipを取得。令和3年度新進芸術家海外研修制度高校生研修員。コモ湖国際ピアノアカデミーにて特別生としてWilliam Grant Nabore氏、日本にて関本昌平氏、サンタ・チェチーリア音楽院にて伴奏をGiovanni Velluti氏の各氏に師事。

Shunta Morimoto studied piano privately with Shohei Sekimoto as a young student at Momoyama Junior High School in Kyoto. From a very early age he was awarded the Fukuda scholarship which allowed him to study with leading pianists and pedagogues in the world. He is currently studying with William Grant Naboré at the International Piano Academy Lake Como and participates in the masterclasses of the Academy. He is enrolled in the class of piano accompaniment with Professor Giovanni Velluti at Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia in Rome.

Shunta has performed with leading chamber ensembles, musicians and orchestras in England, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy and Japan performing solo repertoire, chamber music and piano concertos. His recital in the historic concert hall in the Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia in Rome has been one of the highlights of his early career. In 2023, he performed with the Pacific Symphony Orchestra in Los Angeles and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in Cadogan Hall, making his London debut.


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