Level 23 Hardcore SSF Rogue - Soloing Rethilgore, Razorclaw and Deathstalkers in Shadowfang

Описание к видео Level 23 Hardcore SSF Rogue - Soloing Rethilgore, Razorclaw and Deathstalkers in Shadowfang

I'm testing out some rogue ideas while taking a break from warlock, and this was a first and therefore very messy (13-minute) attempt at SFK. I think it can be reduced to 7-8 minutes, which would make for some amazing XP/hour, as the run gave me just over 13.500 XP.

Some of the time spent waiting for mobs to evade could be used to make bandages or poisons.

A lot of things went wrong (asspulled a mob in Rethilgore's room, asspulled a mob when turning in Deathstalkers - this caused me to waste Evasion so I had to wait for its cooldown before I could kill Razorclaw).

00:00 Sneaking
00:55 Clearing Rethilgore's room
05:08 Rethilgore and Sorcerer Ashcrombe
06:45 Sneaking
07:26 Deathstalkers in Shadowfang
08:43 Sneaking
09:20 Waiting for Evasion
12:10 Razorclaw


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