How I Became A Legal Assistant + What I've Learned | CHATS WITH ALLYSA

Описание к видео How I Became A Legal Assistant + What I've Learned | CHATS WITH ALLYSA

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel! I am so excited to finally share my journey as a legal assistant so far from the interview process to career tips I’ve learned over the past two years. I’m also sharing tips I would give to anyone who is starting out in the legal career and looking for an entry level position to get their foot in the door. If there’s any other questions you’d like me to address that I didn’t touch on in this video, feel free to leave a comment down below and check out my first day as a legal assistant if you haven’t watched it already : )

Also, my plan is to post a video once a week for this series while other uploads will be vlog style and more lifestyle centered. Please let me know any topics you would like me to cover next for Chats With Allysa!



Stay updated & connect:
My blog:
Previous video: Spring Clean With Me Part Two | A Realistic Deep Clean of Our Apartment
First Day As a Legal Assistant: My First Day As A Legal Assistant | 9-6pm WORK VLOG


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