Tyndrum Corbetts

Описание к видео Tyndrum Corbetts

I have kept this group of fine hills North of Tyndrum in mind for a long Summer's day outing with Finn (dog). The early start meant we enjoyed nice still conditions on the summit of Beinn Odhar and a temperature inversion. The route turned out to be ideal for the dog given the under-paw terrain and access to natural spring water throughout (apart from the initial ascent). The nice thing about starting from Tyndrum is the shop next to the carpark, handy for last-minute supplies or stocking up on hard-earned beer and/or wine for after. It is a tough day though, for sure, not due to distance but ascent/descent, grade, and lack of a path. At least the terrain is mostly grassy so no heather or bracken -bashing. A great viewing platform for the nearby Bridge of Orchy Munros and not-so-close Ben Nevis/Carn mor Dearg making an appearance. Yet as usual my favourite moments seemed to be down in the bealachs and glens between the summits, hence my appetite for a more epic non-peak-bagging adventure next (Friday?!).


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