Naturopathy, Mindbody Medicine, and More: The Future of Personalized Healthcare

Описание к видео Naturopathy, Mindbody Medicine, and More: The Future of Personalized Healthcare

This class provides an in-depth understanding of the different modalities used by a doctor who specializes in functional medicine, integrative medicine, mindbody medicine, naturopathy, detoxification, nutrition counseling, homeopathy, and herbal medicine. Students will learn about the consultation, lab assessment, and review of findings process, which is used to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to the patient's individual needs and preferences.

The class will cover the different types of specialized testing used to identify underlying imbalances or deficiencies, including comprehensive metabolic panels, hormone panels, and food allergy testing. Students will also learn about the importance of using lab assessment to inform treatment plans and how the doctor considers the whole person, not just the symptoms, when reviewing lab findings.

In addition to lab assessment, students will learn about the different modalities used to support the body's natural healing ability, including functional medicine, integrative medicine, mindbody medicine, naturopathy, detoxification, nutrition counseling, homeopathy, and herbal medicine. The class will cover the benefits of combining different modalities to create a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the whole person, not just the disease or symptoms.

By the end of the class, students will have a deeper understanding of functional medicine, integrative medicine, mindbody medicine, naturopathy, detoxification, nutrition counseling, homeopathy, and herbal medicine, and how these modalities can be used to support optimal health and wellness.


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