Intuitive Tarot: Throw Out the Books?

Описание к видео Intuitive Tarot: Throw Out the Books?

My opinions on this growing trend of teaching tarot beginners to throw out the books and just trust their intuition. But what does “intuitive tarot reading” even mean? Or is this trending perspective of “throw out the books, trust your intuition” just a euphemism for ego-centered instant gratification?

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The Holistic Tarot Free Online Companion Course:

Syllabus and Study Guides Download Page:

Writing in the Margins - There are several different print run versions of Holistic Tarot, so I'm not sure to what extent your copy has the updates. Here are my recommendations for what to write into the margins and blank spaces of your copy of Holistic Tarot:

Tarot Card Meanings with Benebell (ongoing video course series) - diving into The Books as reference for prescribed card meanings in the Marseilles, RWS, and Thoth:

Sightsee the Tarot - Practicum. Now let's put all that bookish learning into motion and get to reading tarot many different ways. Tour the whole diversity and spectrum of perspectives on working with the cards:


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