Guitar Hero Van Halen - "Painkiller" Expert Guitar 100% FC (518,010)

Описание к видео Guitar Hero Van Halen - "Painkiller" Expert Guitar 100% FC (518,010)

Painkiler - Judas Priest

1st place. This song was cool as fuck on RB2, but it just feels so weird on this game. Maybe that's because I played in on RB2 first, maybe it's because it's the last song in the game, or maybe RB2 is just a superior game, or maybe the chart just sucks. Or maybe all of those things... Also wtf is up with half the drum intro not being included? It's pretty jarring tbh

Anyway this is 1st place, but I'm still missing 200 points. The 1st squeeze isn't too bad on this engine, but it's still quite missable. The 2nd activation is annoying because you need star power to run out before whammying the RB sustain for the next activation, and you need as much as you can get from that sustain. The 3rd activation back end can be tricky because the BPM ramps up drastically from about 200 to about 320, so SP runs out much faster on the back end. The 4th act isn't too bad, but I missed it a couple times while going for this score. The 5th act, however, I did not miss much at all, so I was really disappointed when I missed it here. 6th activation is a bit awkward on the back end because of the odd number of strums there. The last activation can be tricky because of those sliders, but I didn't have too many issues with it. Overall this is kind of a tricky song to squeeze and FC in the same run, and while I'm bummed I still missed a squeeze in this run, I'm happy I was able to get 1st place.

My Scores:


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