靜達:張嘴閉嘴“老祖宗說”,把傳統文化當槍使【完整版下】Jingda: Open your mouth and shut up, "the ancestors said"...

Описание к видео 靜達:張嘴閉嘴“老祖宗說”,把傳統文化當槍使【完整版下】Jingda: Open your mouth and shut up, "the ancestors said"...

靜達道士,一個非傳統意義上的斜杠道士,他是國學老師、擊劍運動員、半職業飛盤選手...... 最值得關注的,是他有超乎年齡層的認知。 靜達說,傳統國學被太多人斷章取義了,“無後無大”根本就不是指“後代”,而類似的誤解還有太多。 他說:「努力是最沒用的東西,用心才能成事!“,這背後潛藏著什麼真知?他的理念,真的能讓我們對抗所謂的35歲危機嗎?
Jingda Taoist, a slash Taoist priest in the non-traditional sense, is a teacher of Chinese culture, a fencer, and a semi-professional frisbee player...... The most noteworthy thing is that he has knowledge beyond his age. Jingda said that traditional Chinese culture has been taken out of context by too many people, and "no descendants" does not refer to "future generations" at all, and there are too many similar misunderstandings. He said: "Hard work is the most useless thing, and hard work can achieve things!", what is the truth behind this? Can his philosophy really enable us to fight against the so-called 35-year-old crisis?
"Dilemmas and Solutions" series
The 731st respondent, Jingda, Taoist priest


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