Anomie: Durkhiem, Merton, Different from Alienation, Deviant Response to Strain | Sociology

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Social condition
Norms are weak, conflicting or absent
Societies become disorganized
Strain theory
When a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them by legitimate means

Durkheim –
Nominal rate of crime is a normal social fact
Abnormal – rates are high
High deviance
If not checked turns to anomie

Merton –
When Conformity is more normal society
When Deviance is more Anomie
Conformists should always outnumber deviants for a normal society
Four deviant responses to strain
Innovation - use of illegal means to achieve goal - robbery
Ritualism - goal rejected – faith in the process
Retreatism - both means and goals are rejected
Rebellion - new set of goals and means are substituted
Chronological order

Chronological order if disturbed, leads to anomie

Alienation vs Anomie

Q.1. The condition of the rejection of the ‘goals’ and acceptance of ‘means’ in the Merton’s modes of adaption is called
a. Conformity
b. Innovation
c. Retreatism
d. Ritualism
Ans. d

Q.2. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
a. Goal and Means- Robert Merton
b. Differential Opportunity Structure- Cloward and Ohlin
c. Ecological theory – Park and Burgess
d. Anomie- Bonger
Ans. B

0:00 Anomie
0:06 Introduction
1:50 Durkheim
2:31 Merton
3:15 Deviant Responses to Strain
4:59 Chronological Order
5:31 Chronological Order if Disturbed, Leads to Anomie
5:53 Relation Between Alienation and Anomie
8:36 Questions
#anomie #introduction #durkheim #merton #deviantresponsestostrain #chronologicalorder #leadstoanomie #alienation #testprep #ugcnet #doorsteptutor #examrace


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