9 ways to attain a higher level of consciousness

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9 ways to attain a higher level of consciousness

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In this fascinating video, we're going to explore what a higher state of consciousness actually is and how you can achieve it.

We'll be discussing topics like what brainwaves are associated with a higher state of consciousness, how to induce a state of consciousness and more. After watching this video, you'll have a better understanding of what a higher state of consciousness is and how you can attain it!


Powerful galactic beings welcome back to another Video. It is unsurprising that human beings spend most of their lives in the lower state of consciousness. In this state, their success and personal survival are the most important things to them. According to neuroscientists, the ‘lower’ part of the brain is the reptilian mentality. The hallmarks of ‘lower’ consciousness are those that live a simple, reflective, and self-justifying life. Are you in this category? The reptilian mentality controls our behavior, and we tend to be more reflective, unintrospective, and self-justifying. However, our bodies and passions feel calm and peaceful when we are not under pressure or threat. Neuroscientists argue that the neocortex is the seat of imagination, empathy, and impartial judgment. At this stage, we let go of our egos and begin to view the world from a more objective and broader perspective.


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