Mean, Median, Mode, and Range | Averages Explained

Описание к видео Mean, Median, Mode, and Range | Averages Explained

Let’s talk about the four main types of averages (Mean, Median, Mode, and Range) using the following test scores.

55, 79, 83, 83, 95

The first is the mean, it’s what probably comes to mind when you think of averages.

It’s found by dividing the sum of the set and by the number of values in the set.

So, 395 divided by 5, which equals 80

Next is the Median.

This is the middle number when the set is ordered numerically. In this case, it’s 83. If there are an even number of values, just add the middle two together and divide by 2.

Now the Mode.

This is the most frequently occurring number. 83, in our case.

Finally, the range. This is the difference between the highest and lowest values. So 95 minus 55, which is 40.


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