Restoration of Marriage Comes From ABOVE

Описание к видео Restoration of Marriage Comes From ABOVE

Our Lord came to restore what was lost and even add on to it by beautifying it or divinizing it in someway. Thus we chant “O felix culpa”... O Happy Fault in the Easter Exultet. He started this restoration as soon as He came. We can think of them in terms of the first three Joyful Mysteries... with the Annunciation, He restored the place of virginity. With the Visitation, He restored our place as adopted sons of God. With the Nativity, He restored marriage, making it able to become Holy Matrimony. Amazingly, St. Joseph, the second greatest saint of all time, was considering a divorce from the greatest of all saints...albeit not for worldly reasons or ends...but it was divorce nonetheless. And with Christ’s coming among us, divorce turned away. If the sinless St. Joseph was considering a divorce, how much more fallen man? The Roman Catechism put it like this: “If marriage could be dissolved by divorce, married persons would hardly ever be without cause of disunion, which would be daily supplied by the old enemy of peace and purity…” As a result of His Majesty’s ending divorce at the highest level, the Holy Family was preserved… and with the Holy Family, all families can do the same. Maybe something is bothering your marriage... your family. God is allowing this to happen so that He can do what He did with St. Joseph... expose the problem and remove it. Bear patiently with the situation as St. Joseph did, be open and respond as he did...and you too will become a holy family. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest


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