How This DLC Weapon Went From WORST to BEST - Elden Ring

Описание к видео How This DLC Weapon Went From WORST to BEST - Elden Ring

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree introduced "Martial Arts" or "Hand-to-hand Arts", a new weapon type based on beating the crap out of gamers with your fists and feet. On release, they were EXTREMELY BAD... but with patches, they've received amazing buffs that made them ONE OF THE BEST WEAPON TYPES IN THE GAME. Roderika and Ranni tell you all about it! They work for both PvE and PvP!

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0:00 - Intro
0:55 - Martial Arts on release
1:25 - Martial Arts explained and First Patch
2:55 - Second patch and massive buffs
3:53 - Difference between both weapons
5:36 - Sponsor segment
6:50 - Tools and Combos
8:11 - Build and equipment

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