Modern C++ Addons for Node.js - Dvir Yitzchaki - ACCU 2024

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Modern C++ Addons for Node.js - Dvir Yitzchaki - ACCU 2024

There are various reasons to write a Node.js C++ addon, including performance enhancement, direct memory access, or the need to utilize a specific C++ library. As a C++ developer, it would be advantageous to employ familiar building tools, such as CMake and Conan, for this process.

In this presentation, we will delve into the development of a C++ addon for Node.js using CMake, a cross-platform build system, and Conan, a package manager. We will also discuss the deployment of pre-built binaries.

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Dvir Yitzchaki

Dvir Yitzchaki is a C++ developer who is knowledgeable in modern C++ programming techniques. He is also an active contributor to the open-source community, including a popular VS Code extension, and several Reveal.js plugins, and a member of the Israeli national body for WG21, the C++ standards committee.
He currently works at Roku where he contributes to the development of Roku OS, the operating system that powers Roku streaming devices.

The ACCU Conference is the annual conference of the ACCU membership, but is open to any and all who wish to attend. The tagline for the ACCU is 'Professionalism in Programming', which captures the whole spectrum of programming languages, tools, techniques and processes involved in advancing our craft. While there remains a core of C and C++ - with many members participating in respective ISO standards bodies - the conference, like the organisation, embraces other language ecosystems and you should expect to see sessions on C#, D, F#, Go, Javascript, Haskell, Java, Kotlin, Lisp, Python, Ruby, Rust, Swift and more.The ACCU Conference is a conference by programmers for programmers about programming.
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