Dodgy Locksmiths Also Have Class 2C Licences Now

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POLICE WARN AGAINST DODGY LOCKSMITHS, but they are responsible for untrained dodgy operators in the industry? Yet do nothing about untrained locksmiths operating in the Locksmith industry, because they are responsible for it happening in the first place, by removing the need to have the training to hold a 2c locksmith license in NSW Australia.

Thanks SLED the branch of the NSW police force that has devalued the locksmith industry and allowed dodgy operators to continue scamming the general public for thousands of dollars a day.

Let's not forget the effect that the " no specific training requirements to apply for a Class 2C licence" legislation has had on the industry with the reduction of young locksmiths needing to have completed an apprenticeship to obtain the locksmith license, which has led to a shortage of qualified locksmiths and trained locksmiths available for employment, which has created cancer in the industry for long term established business and opened the door to dodgy locksmith scammers to operate like Ned Kelly without repercussions.

In short established businesses have been affected by the reduction of staff getting qualified, so no skilled workers to hire, the younger generation is not taking up the trade as it has been devalued by SLED so there is no need for them to do the trade course to obtain a licence to operate as a locksmith, they go to Youtube university to learn, and now dodgy so-called locksmiths are ripping off the general public for $800 for a simple job worth $150, and the Police issue warnings about "Dodgy Locksmiths" ?? WHEN there It's the Warning that is Dodgy and misleading too..

It's your f**&^%ing fault NSW SLED, you caused this by creating the shortage and reducing the qualifications.

"SLED NSW is an unfit and proper body to govern the locksmith 2c industry" in NSW. They don't know what they have done or what they are doing when it comes to the 2c "Locksmith" and SLED refuses to change or give locksmiths their own category and bundle every door maker and bollard installed together under one licence with no training required "How stupid"



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