[7.85⭐ Live] okinamo | K A Z M A S A - Bon Appetit S [blend s (230 bpm)] +HD 99.80% {#1 💖 FC} - osu!

Описание к видео [7.85⭐ Live] okinamo | K A Z M A S A - Bon Appetit S [blend s (230 bpm)] +HD 99.80% {#1 💖 FC} - osu!

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|---- okinamo links
| - Profile: http://osu.ppy.sh/u/3765989
| - Discord server: https://ck1t.ru/dss-3765989
| - Youtube: https://ck1t.ru/yt-3765989
| - Twitch: https://ck1t.ru/tw-3765989
| - Twitter: https://ck1t.ru/twt-3765989
| - Skin: https://ck1t.ru/u-3765989
| More player stuff: https://ck1t.ru/stuff-3765989
| ------Map info------|
| - Map: https://osu.ppy.sh/b/2082010?m=0
| - Mapset by: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3475189
| - GD by: it's his diff
| - PP map stats: https://ck1t.ru/b-2082010
| AR: 9.90 | CS: 4.00 | OD: 9.30 | HP: 4.40 | SR: 7.85⭐ | BPM: 230 - 230 (180)
| ------Player info-----|
| Rank: 46 (4)
| PP: 15023.1
| Playcount: 96273
| Total played: 59d 0h 27m 28s
| Join: 2013-12-21 14:40:48
| ------🔗 Useful links-----|
| - Send replays: https://replays.osuck.net
| - osu!skins website: https://ck1t.ru/skins
| - Vk Score notifier:
| - osu!Game subreddit:   / osugame  
| - osu!Skins subreddit:   / osuskins  
| - More links will be here: https://osuck.net
| ------♨️ CPOL discord server-----|
| - 🔔 Notifications: Cool scores by players, Reddit osu! posts, Our new videos, New skins at osuck.net

| - 🔥 New maps(All modes): Loved, Ranked, Qualified
| Join: https://ck1t.ru/dss-9893708
| ------🌐 My social links-----|
| - osu!: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9893708
| - Discord server: https://ck1t.ru/dss-9893708
| - Discord Numbers: https://ck1t.ru/dsp-9893708
| - Twitter: https://ck1t.ru/twt-9893708
| - Twitch: https://ck1t.ru/tw-9893708
| - Reddit: https://ck1t.ru/rd-9893708
| ------💠 PP counter-----|
| - 🔒 Design of this pp counter is private. Made by cyperdark
| - 🔓 Software: https://github.com/l3lackShark/gosume...
| ---------------------------------------
osu! is a free to play online rhythm game, which you can use as a rhythm trainer online with lots of gameplay music! https://osu.ppy.sh/

#CPOL #CPOL_okinamo #CPOL_700pp


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