How to Set Up Your Design for Spot UV Printing | instantprint

Описание к видео How to Set Up Your Design for Spot UV Printing | instantprint

Spot UV, sometimes referred to as spot gloss, is a cool technique that makes certain areas of a document high-shine and glossy – i.e. only certain parts of the finished paper are glossy. This makes any area you wish to stand out against a matt lamination really pop. However, it does require a little extra work in the design stages to make sure your artwork is set up correctly to achieve the Spot UV that you desire.
It’s a technique that is commonly used on business cards, but can also be used on other instantprint products such as flyers, presentation folders and booklets (coming soon).
Using your preferred design programme, to set up your documents for Spot UV printing:
Create an extra layer and name it Spot UV
Next, pick a bright colour (at instantprint, we use orange)
Go to the first layer of your artwork and copy any elements you want to be coated in glossy Spot UV
Paste them into your Spot UV layer in the exact same position and make them all your Spot UV colour
You can either upload your layers as separate artwork documents or as one single PDF
Your proof will come back with three pages – one showing the artwork layer, one showing the Spot UV layer, and one with both layers overlaid so you can check the Spot UV layer is properly aligned with the original layer

Create your own Spot UV business cards with instantprint now:
Want an easier way? Download our free Spot UV business card templates here:


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