關於氣場你該知道的事 | Sadhguru (薩古魯)

Описание к видео 關於氣場你該知道的事 | Sadhguru (薩古魯)

在此影片中, Sadhguru (薩古魯)解釋了什麼是氣場🌌,以及氣場如何存在於人的周身。由於人的氣場比皮膚更加表面,靈性追尋者🧘‍♀️不應對它感興趣。一個在靈性道路上的人應該專注於自身存在的核心,如果追尋者對其核心下功夫,氣場自然會反映出來。

#Sadhguru #薩古魯 #氣場 #能量 #核心

In this video, Sadhguru explains about what an aura is and how it exists on the periphery of a person. Since a person's aura is more superficial than the skin it should not be of interest to a spiritual seeker. A person on the spiritual path should be focused on the core of his being and if a seeker works on the core, then the aura will reflect this naturally.

原版英文視頻:    • Aura - What You Need To Know | Sadhguru  



Sadhguru 為瑜伽士、神秘家、遠見卓識之士,是一位與眾不同的靈性大師。他的生命和工作引人注目地融合了深刻和實用主義,提醒人們瑜伽是一門當代科學,與我們的時代息息相關。

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serve as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

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由 Sadhguru 引導的 Isha Kriya 冥想練習
   • Isha Kriya 冥想 | Sadhguru (薩古魯)  

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