Supa Retron HD? A worthy replacement for my broken SNES?

Описание к видео Supa Retron HD? A worthy replacement for my broken SNES?

Come see my genuine thoughts as I critically analyse the Supa Retron HD, along with my reasons for somewhat sceptically taking a punt on this clone system.

Will I be able to play all my import carts or will compatibility be an issue?
Will it look like a blurry pile of pants or shine through on a big screen TV?
How badly do the pack-in controllers suck?
Will it even work on my CRT?

All these questions and more are answered today on Soup of pants gaming!

Bear in mind, we aren't technically a tech review channel.
Everything both good and bad mentioned in this video are simply my opinion; yours may differ!

This is a follow up to my broken SNES upload:
   • PLEASE HELP ME!!! to replace m...  

As always, thank you for all the help and support.
Stay awesome and Happy Gaming.
Soup Out!


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