Sorted List To Balanced Binary Search Tree | Sorted Linked List To BST

Описание к видео Sorted List To Balanced Binary Search Tree | Sorted Linked List To BST

Given the head of a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST.
A balanced BST, also referred to as a height-balanced BST, is defined as a binary tree in which the height of the left and right subtree of any node differ by not more than 1.

Source code:

Sorted Array to BST:    • Convert Sorted Array To Balanced Bina...  

00:00 Introduction
00:10 Problem explanation
02:16 Method 1: By converting to array
03:23 Method 2: Using inorder traversal
13:42 Implementation

I live in New Delhi and love explaining programming concepts. I have done M.Tech(BITS Pilani) + B.Tech(PEC, Chandigarh) in Computer Science and am currently working as a software engineer in a MNC.
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For Linked List tutorials, please refer to the below playlist:
   • Linked List  

For Binary tree tutorials, please refer to the below playlist:
   • Tree Data Structures  

For Binary search tree tutorials, please refer to the below playlist:
   • Binary Search Tree  

For in-depth Graph theory and implementation details, please refer to the below playlist:
   • Graph Algorithms  



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