Chinese Fiddles (Erhu/Zhonghu/Gaohu) Demonstration / 二胡, 中胡及高胡示範

Описание к видео Chinese Fiddles (Erhu/Zhonghu/Gaohu) Demonstration / 二胡, 中胡及高胡示範

Performer: Jirong Huang / 演奏者: 黃繼榮

1. Erhu: Song of Birds in Desolated Mountain
2. Zhonghu: Moon Reflection on the Second Spring
3. Gaohu: Raindrops Beating on Banana Leaves

1. 二胡: 空山鳥語
2. 中胡: 二泉映月
3. 高胡: 雨打芭蕉

Presented at the Tradition in the Future Online Symposium on August 1, 2020, organized by the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble (VCME).


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