Aha, it's possible | Tomáš Kompaník | TEDxYouth@Bratislava

Описание к видео Aha, it's possible | Tomáš Kompaník | TEDxYouth@Bratislava

Aha, ide to
Grafický dizajnér Tomáš Kompaník vie, že nič nie je nemožné, ak Vás práca baví a robíte si ju poctivo. Je autorom originálnej knihy AHA o tradičných slovenských výšivkách, ktorá získala významné ceny v zahraničí.

Graphic designer Tomas knows best that nothing is impossible when you love your job and do it meticulously. Tomas is the author of a book AHA which describes and enhances the traditional Slovak patchwork. Aha received the Red Dot Award among other international awards.

27. february 2016 DK Zrkadlový háj, Bratislava, Slovakia

Viac informácií/More information:

Graphic designer Tomas knows best that nothing is impossible when you love your job and do it meticulously. Tomas is the author of a book AHA which describes and enhances the traditional Slovak patchwork. Aha received the Red Dot Award among other international awards.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx


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