#15 宝竜滝 AVATA2

Описание к видео #15 宝竜滝 AVATA2

和歌山県新宮市熊野川町滝本にあり、裏那智とも称されるこの滝は、一ノ滝と二ノ滝からなる合計落差105m、立派な滝つぼと、開けた谷を前に堂々とそびえる名瀑です。滝の岩面は平滑で、水流はほぼ一直線に滝つぼに注ぎ、巨大でありながらも女性的な優美な印象を受けます。滝の巨大さと滝前の谷の広さは、Nモード+モーションコントローラーの限られた飛行速度で対応しづらく、編集に苦労しました。滝の広大さ、上品さに負けて、自分の実力では撮りきった感がいまひとつでした。つまり、滝に負けました(笑) いつかまた実力をつけて再び挑戦したい滝でした。

撮影機材:DJI Avata2 機体カメラ PLフィルター motioncontroller&Headtracking Nモード
映像処理:gyroflow ダビンチリゾルブ DJI標準LUT
撮影モード:AUTO D-Log-M 4k60fps EISオフ
BGM:Uncharted Lands Brand X Music

AVATA2 Cinematic Waterfall footage with MotionController & Headtracking
HORYU-taki waterfall, Japan
Japanese "HORYU" means "Treasure & Dragon".

Located in Takimoto, Kumanogawa-cho, Shingu City, Wakayama Prefecture,Japan, this waterfall, also known as Ura-Nachi, is comprised of Ichinotaki and Ninotaki, with a total height of 105m, a magnificent basin, and a famous waterfall that rises majestically in front of the open valley in front of the waterfall. is. The rock surface of the waterfall is smooth, and the water flows almost in a straight line into the basin, giving it a huge yet feminine and graceful impression. The size of the waterfall and the width of the valley in front of the waterfall were difficult to handle with the limited flight speed of the N mode + motion controller, making editing difficult. The vastness and elegance of the waterfall made me feel like I wasn't able to take enough pictures with my own ability. In other words, I lost to the waterfall (lol). It was a waterfall that I would like to try again someday when I have improved my skills.

awesome cinematic japanese waterfall footage with DJI AVATA2, motioncontroller & Headtracking


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