Best Beginner Motorcycle? | Royal Enfield Himalayan | Best Starter Bike? | Ol' Man Ronin (S2,E21)

Описание к видео Best Beginner Motorcycle? | Royal Enfield Himalayan | Best Starter Bike? | Ol' Man Ronin (S2,E21)

Best Beginner Motorcycle. Is It The Royal Enfield Himalayan the Best Starter Bike? Ol' Man Ronin guides you through his thoughts on why the Royal Enfield Himalayan could be the Best Starter Bike for Beginning riders and well beyond!

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The Bike featured in the Video:
2018 Royal Enfield Himalayan

The Closest Dealer to me is ...
Royal Enfield of Columbus:

Throttle Company:

These are the Gadgets I use for filming:
Cardo PackTalk Bold JBL
GoPro Hero 7 Black
GoPro Hero 8 Black
GoPro Mic Adapter
Ulanzi GoPro Housing Case
Purple Panda Mic


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