GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT | Wrestlings Greatest Copycat Characters

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GIMMICK INFRINGEMENT | Wrestlings Greatest Copycat Characters

There’s a saying that goes, talent imitates, genius steals, and if you’re a fan of pretty much any form of entertainment then, you’ll probably already know this to be the case. After all, who are Led Zeppelin if not a band that heavily borrowed much of their music and lyrics from old blues songs of the past, reworking them from there into something new? And if you’re more of a movie buff, you’ll be all too aware that Quentin Tarantino has made a career out of remixing his favourite cult films, turning them into legitimate box office hits in the process. So, it should come as no surprise then that the wrestling world is no stranger to this phenomenon too, with some of the greatest, and not so greatest, gimmicks of all time being almost wholesale ripped off from someone else. So, join us today as we take a look at some of the best examples of this in Gimmick Infringement: Wrestling’s Greatest Copycat Characters.

Music Credits:



#WWE #WWENews #CopycatGimmicks


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