A Cliffhanger on Cringle Moor & Beef in Beer with Dumplings on the Trangia

Описание к видео A Cliffhanger on Cringle Moor & Beef in Beer with Dumplings on the Trangia

With a reasonable weather forecast of clear skies and sub zero temperatures, I decided to head out for a quick overnight wild camp on the North Yorkshire Moors.

I parked the car at Lord Stones Country Park, and then followed the Cleveland Way up to Cringle Moor. Once I'd found a flat spot precariously close to the cliff edge, I pitched my Mountain Laurel Designs SilPoly Trailstar. Even with a constant 25mph north westerly wind, the Trailstar showed its excellent wind shedding abilities and stood up to it with no issues.

Once the sun had set I used my Trangia 25 to cook the Delia Smith winter classic of Beef in Designer Beer with Suet Dumplings.

A fantastic overnighter in spectacular surroundings.

I hope you enjoy.


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