大激怒❗️父ゴリラと母はゲンタロウに激怒🌸Big rage❗️Dad gorilla & Mum are angry with Gentaro🌸【KyotoZoo京都市動物園】2021/11/13

Описание к видео 大激怒❗️父ゴリラと母はゲンタロウに激怒🌸Big rage❗️Dad gorilla & Mum are angry with Gentaro🌸【KyotoZoo京都市動物園】2021/11/13

Video Time Line (動画時系列)↓↓↓
Father Momotaro and mother Genki are furious. Their eldest son, Gentaro, has been on a rampage all morning! Baby Kintaro is frightened as Gentaro runs wild again and again. Momotaro and Genki scold their son again and again, but it doesn't stop until late afternoon.
It was calm for a while first thing in the morning, but then in an instant the stampede began.


0:00 最初は、父モモタロウと母ゲンキの怒りのショート動画です
0:18 いつもの朝が始まりますが、それも長くは続きません
3:20 兄ゲンタロウが最初のちょっかいを母ゲンキにだします。ここから暴走がエスカレートしていきます!
4:23 ゲンタロウがゲンキに手を出したので、ゲンキは大激怒してゲンタロウを追いかけます
5:00 モモタロウがイライラしています
5:33 しばらく平穏でしたが、ゲンタロウが立ち上がり、母ゲンキに勢いよくちょっかいをかけます
6:20 ゲンタロウが木材を持ってゲンキの元へ走ります
7:10 モモタロウがゲンタロウを叱りますが、ゲンタロウは高所へ逃げる
7:44 ゲンタロウは、毛布を持ってゲンキに向かって振り回します
8:46 母ゲンキはゲンタロウが木材をまたも振ろうとするので制止しようと試みます
9:09 エサがゴリラ舎に撒かれたので、一旦、騒動が収まります
10:10 しかし、すぐにゲンタロウの暴走が再開します。母ゲンキがキンタロウに授乳中でさえ邪魔をしてきます
10:51 ゲンキは授乳中なので、近くに寄ってきたゲンタロウに威嚇します
11:53 ゲンタロウの暴走は続きます。ゲンタロウは木材を持った状態で座ります。そして、その木材をゲンキにぶつけます
12:48 ゲンタロウが引き抜いた木です
13:14 しばらくゲンタロウの暴走は止まりません。木材を持ち、立ち上がります
13:27 赤ちゃんキンタロウはいつもと様子が違う兄ゲンタロウに怯えています
14:07 キンタロウはメンタルが強いようです。兄ゲンタロウが騒いでいても、すぐに平常心に戻り独りで遊んでいます
14:18 モモタロウが全速力でゲンタロウを追いかけます!
15:17 昼過ぎになりゲンタロウも少し落ち着いてきた様子です

0:00 First, a short video of father Momotaro and mother Genki in anger!
0:18 A normal morning begins, but it doesn't last long!
The whole family starts to eat, just like any other morning.
3:20 Brother Gentaro makes the first move on Mother Genki. From here, things escalate!
4:23 When Gentaro touches Genki, Genki is furious and chases after him!
And soon his father, Momotaro, realises this and chases after Gentaro!
5:00 Momotaro is getting frustrated.
Gentaro runs and pokes at his mother, Genki.
5:33 Things are calm for a while, but then Gentaro gets up and starts messing with Mother Genki!
Momotaro gets angry and chases after Gentaro again to scold him.
6:20 Gentaro runs to Genki with a piece of wood.
Genki is furious.
Gentaro takes the wooden stick and swings it again and again.
Momotaro scolds him to make him stop.
7:10 Momotaro scolds Gentaro, but Gentaro escapes to higher ground.
7:44 Gentaro takes a blanket and swings it at Genki.
They continue to fight for some time.
8:46 Mother Genki tries to stop Gentaro from swinging the wood again.
9:09 Food is spread in the gorilla house and the commotion stops for the moment.
10:10 But soon Gentaro is back on the rampage. Even when mother Genki is feeding Kintaro, he interrupts her.
10:51 Genki threatens Gentaro when he comes close to her as she is breastfeeding.
11:53 Gentaro's rampage continues. Gentaro sits with a piece of wood. Then he hits Genki with the wood!
Momotaro is also running wild to scold Gentaro again and again!
12:48 This is the wood that Gentaro pulled out.
13:14 Gentaro doesn't stop running wild for a while. He takes the wood and stands up.
13:27 Baby Kintaro is frightened of his brother Gentaro, who is acting differently.
14:07 Kintaro seems to be mentally strong. Even though his brother Gentaro is making a lot of noise, he soon comes to his senses and plays on his own.
14:18 Momotaro is chasing Gentaro at full speed!
15:17 It's mid-afternoon and Gentaro seems to have calmed down a bit.

Cool Gorilla and Awesome Gorilla
Taken撮影 2021年11月
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I'll be posting gorilla info in the community section of the main page! Read on and I'll make love to you!

WesternLowlandGorilla ニシゴリラ 
Kyoto City Zoo 京都市動物園
Momotaro & Genki Gorilla Family (モモタロウ&ゲンキ家族)
Father: Momotaro(モモタロウ) ♂(2000/7/3)
Mother: Genki(ゲンキ) ♀(1986/6/24)
Older brother: Gentaro(ゲンタロウ) ♂(2011/12/21))
Younger brother : Kintatro(キンタロウ) ♂(2018/12/19)


La famille Gorilla par Momotaro & Genki. (Zoo de la ville de Kyoto, Japon)
République du Congo Gabon, République du Republic of Cameroon
Ces pays abritent de nombreux gorilles occidentaux. Parc national des Virunga
attaque de gorilles LIMBE WILDLIFE CENTR Parc national de Loango Loango National Park Virunga National Park

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#gorila #gorillaz #動物と話せる #ゴリラと話せる #animalcommunication #communicatewithgorillas #communicatewithanimals


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