Bay of Fundy Tide, Time-lapse, Fundy National Park

Описание к видео Bay of Fundy Tide, Time-lapse, Fundy National Park

Time-lapse video of the Bay of Fundy tide at Point Wolfe, Fundy National Park, New Brunswick, Canada. This vantage point on the Shiphaven Trail is THE most spectacular location in Fundy National Park to see the full range of the tide. You would have to sit here for 6 hours and 10 minutes to experience this, but every minute would be worth it.

You really have to experience the Fundy tide for yourself to fully grasp the magnitude of it. This is just one inlet, but imagine every river, inlet, and cove, not to mention the entire Bay of Fundy filling up with an additional 12 metres of water in 6 hours. It's mind boggling. In fact, I can't imagine why you're not here right now to check it out for yourself.

This was shot as continuous video and then sped up 25,000% to compress it into one minute. Shooting it as video, as opposed to still images, gives greater options at the time of production but it sure takes a lot of disk space. The original video was shot July 10, 2009 but I just remade it into this format for YouTube. The soundtrack was made using SonicFire Pro 5.

Music rights purchased through Smart Sound.


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