SpeedyEFI Standalone ECU Installation Part 2 (Sensors and FIRST START) | 2Broke2Boosted Ep.3

Описание к видео SpeedyEFI Standalone ECU Installation Part 2 (Sensors and FIRST START) | 2Broke2Boosted Ep.3

Today I finished up my Speeduino ECU installation in 2Broke2Boosted, my 1993 Mazda Miata turbo project. Today included plugging in the ECU itself, hooking up my GM IAT sensor and BMW TPS sensor, calibrating them in tunerstudio, and starting the car for the first time. This specific ECU is a SpeedyEFI Mazda MX5 Miata 1.6L PNP (plug and play) kit, which was purchased from SpeedyEFI's website. I was amazed that the car started so quickly on the new ECU!

COMPLETE Build spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...

2Broke2Boosted, my budget turbo Miata build

CashedOutCars, Cashed Out Cars, CashedOut Cars

#SpeedyEFI #Speeduino #StandaloneECU For additional content, check out www.cashedoutcars.com!


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