Marshall Trip 2024

Описание к видео Marshall Trip 2024

Took a little trip out to Southern CA with my friend Rick. Met some great folks, pushed my comfort zone as a pilot, and had an amazing time. Flying, with nothing more than the wits in your head and the gift of lift, gives a freedom only the birds will ever fully know.

This trip was the first time I relaxed thermalling so close with so many others. While we had met fellow paraglider pilots, Lee, Vann, Shelly, and hang glider pilot Angie, on the bus ride up, I danced with complete strangers in the air. Learned later that Charles, on the orange wing, is a fellow New Mexican though north of Hwy 380. Justin (aka Vicarious Icarus), hang glider lower in the same thermal, is a CA local and and just cooler than heck!

Thought I could get the whole trip into a single video, but have learned how difficult it is to shrink 2+ hours of flight into a 12 min clip. Thank you for watching and please remember to Enjoy the Ride my friends!


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