All Things To Beauty - Grace Maddux

Описание к видео All Things To Beauty - Grace Maddux

a new song for worship,
written by Josh Winn,
sung by Grace Maddux,

also available on music streaming services,
sheet music available (send an email to jwinn256 at gmail)

When I can't see your face
And I don't hear your voice
And the air all around me is still
When the promises you've made
Seem made for someone else
And the ground at my feet is dry

Father, remind me
Set your word in my heart
That you are good
You always have been
And you always will be
In your son Jesus
You are restoring
All things to beauty

When you seem far away
Or maybe long ago
And the waiting has left me cold
When I long to feel your light
Shining on my face
But the clouds keep me in the dark

Father, remind me
Set your word in my heart
That you are good
You always have been
And you always will be
In your son Jesus
You are restoring
All things to beauty

You call us to join you
Daughters of your kingdom
And sons of restoration
Teach us to know
The voice of your Spirit
And humbly walk with you

For you are good
You always have been
And you always will be
In your son Jesus
You are restoring
All things to beauty


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