Acapella Hymns- #5 [30 Mins] Primitive Baptist Radio Singers (Vinyl Record 1962)

Описание к видео Acapella Hymns- #5 [30 Mins] Primitive Baptist Radio Singers (Vinyl Record 1962)

"Sing of His Mighty Love" Primitive Baptist Radio Singers Directed By Sonny Lowrance

I was recently gifted this 60 year old record of acapella hymns from Brother Joel Ragan of Forest Primitive Baptist Church in Forest Park, GA. He later gave me the record player shown in the video too so I'd have a way to listen to it.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Text from Back of Album:
It is a joy to the people of God to sing of His mighty love. When they realize that this love was treasured up for them in Christ Jesus from all eternity and that all objects of this love will live forever in Heaven and receive the benefit of it forever, they cannot help but sing.

The Apostle Paul said, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 8:38-39]

The songs on this album give praise to God for his might love and sovereign grace. They describe something of what God does for His people and also something of their experiences after they have been born of His Spirit. The songs are from The Old School Hymnal and the Good Old Songs.

The Primitive Baptist Radio Singers are heard regularly on the Baptist Bible hour, the Primitive Baptist Hour, and other religious Broadcasts. This album was record in Cincinnati, Ohio in December of 1962 and the group was direct by Sonny Lowrance. Sonny, who is from Lubbock, Texas also has record some solos from the Good Old Songs which are available through Sovereign Grace Recordings.

Side 1
(0:00) Sing of His Mighty Love
(3:05) They Praise Oh Lord
(4:08) Cast Down But Not Destroyed
(6:05) People of the Living God
(7:26) The Land of Beulah
(9:32) The Lord has been so Good to Me
(11:30) The Bride of Christ
(13:08) Jesus Before Thy Face I Fall

Side 2
(15:18) Brethren We have Met to Worship
(16:50) The Lord Jehovah Reigns
(18:36) In Mercy Lord, Remember Me
(19:35) Thy People Lord
(21:00) Cease Ye Mourners
(22:25) The Doxology (Sessions)
(22:55) Grace is Free
(24:55) Jesus I My Cross have Taken
(26:57) Holy Spirit Faithful Guide

#Hymns, #Acapella, #Songs of Zion, #Jesus Christ, #Praise, #Worship, #Joy, #Rejoice,


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