The Hours - Philip Glass (Midi reconstruction)

Описание к видео The Hours - Philip Glass (Midi reconstruction)

This project was an exercise in arranging the piano sheet music of "The Hours" while also trying to create a realistic sounding interpretation of the film soundtrack. Also, it was a great way to really get to know the music. I hadn't seen the film and I also didn't know the music, apart from one piece, "Dead Things", which I had tried to play, at one time or another, on the piano. It was hugely enjoyable getting to know this wonderful music and also, fun trying to capture the essence of the soundtrack. It's a beautiful, poignant score, draped in a feeling of nostalgia and yearning. There are also some great kinetic uplifting moments too, "The Hours" being a prime example.

After getting to know the music so well, I now feel that I must make a point of watching the movie. All in all, the project took about 70-80 hours, working each morning over a 3 to 4 week period.

Sample Library: Miroslav Philharmonik

Piano: Pianissimo VST


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