Detroit Become Human - Kara Reason With Todd (All Dialogue) - Consequences Of Leaving Him Alive

Описание к видео Detroit Become Human - Kara Reason With Todd (All Dialogue) - Consequences Of Leaving Him Alive

This is for those who’ve been curious to see all the dialogue options if you have Kara reason with Todd during “Stormy Night.” Also to make this more interesting I included the difference in news coverage while Kara & Alice are at the Eastern Motel. And finally the last bit at the Bus Terminal was added to answer the question of “how do I get the scene with Luther, Kara & Alice on the boat instead of being at the Canadian Border”. Enjoy the trek through the connectedness of this particular story thread.

Outro Music - “Not Your Kind of People” by Garbage
[ Detroit Become Human ][ Stormy Night - Protect Alice - Reason With Todd - Calm - Determined - Understanding - Consequences of Leaving Todd Alive ][ Kara Shoots Todd - Alice Shoots Todd ][ Todd Gets Mad - Break Programming - Kara Becomes Deviant - Reason With Todd - Go Upstairs - Get To Alice After Todd - Stun Todd - Leave The Room - Try Front Door - Run To The Bus ][ Battle For Detroit - Kara Leaving Detroit - At The Bus Terminal - Meet Todd - Persuade Todd - Todd Sends Soldiers Away - Alice Says Goodbye To Todd — Stop Alice - Do Nothing - Luther Creates A Diversion - Adam Calls Out To Kara - At The River ][ On The Run - Eastern Motel - Change Channel - Alice Hears About Todd - Kara Watches TV News With Todd ]
Detroit: Become Human is an adventure game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4, released worldwide on 25 May 2018. The plot revolves around three androids: Kara, who escapes the factory she was made in to explore her newfound sentience; Connor, whose job it is to hunt down deviant androids; and Markus, who devotes himself to releasing the androids from servitude. They may survive or perish depending on dialogue choices that shape the story as customized by the player. Story Chapters include: The Hostage, Opening, Shades of Color, A New Home, The Painter, Partners, Stormy Night and more! Characters include: Kara a newly created housekeeper android who develops artificial consciousness. Connor is an advanced police model android tasked with hunting down androids that have deviated from their programmed behaviours. Markus is a caretaker android who, after gaining consciousness, takes it upon himself to free others like him from bondage.


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