Fika with Vicky - Author Thea Prothero - Christmas Ghost Stories

Описание к видео Fika with Vicky - Author Thea Prothero - Christmas Ghost Stories

We’re approaching the longest night of the year, which is the perfect opportunity to light a candle, wrap up in your favourite comforter, and embrace the tradition of Christmas Ghost Stories.

Thea Prothero, author of “A Guide to Pilgrimage,” will be rejoining us for a conversation on the tradition itself, authors that are well known for their Ghost Stories, and then read part of one of her own.

Please join us in celebrating the Holiday “Spirits,” I think I may enjoy some gingerbread tea for this special conversation, but coffee with a dash of eggnog may do the trick as well.

About Thea -

Thea Prothero is primarily a Nemophilist* and a Heathen. Her passion is walking in the wildest remotest lands, places that still make the gods tremble, and she loves the challenge of finding connection through nature to the gods. She also enjoys writing ghost stories, reading, taking photos, tending to her allotment, and spending time with her family. She works in education and lives in the south of the UK.
· * Literally a “haunter of woods” someone who loves to spend time in woods and forests.

Find Thea at -

About A Guide to Pilgrimage -

Pilgrimage is one of the oldest forms of sacred journeying. But how does it fit into the 21st century and, more importantly, how is it relevant to our tech-heavy super-busy lives? This book is a blueprint for understanding how going on a pilgrimage will spiritually fulfill and, ultimately, transform you. Discover how this ancient practice can be traced through history and how it still plays a significant role in the many paths of faith today. Here, you'll find stories of modern pilgrimage, words of wisdom from literature, meditations, and tools to inspire you towards taking your first physical steps on your journey.

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