4 Ways how Stress affects the Skin|Too HIGH Cortisol & effects on skin-Dr.Amee Daxini|Doctors'Circle

Описание к видео 4 Ways how Stress affects the Skin|Too HIGH Cortisol & effects on skin-Dr.Amee Daxini|Doctors'Circle

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Dr. Amee Daxini | Phone 📞 099013 54408 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) | Registration No. 89509 Maharashtra Medical Council, 2003
So are you stressed out your skin can show it. Studies have shown that acute and chronic stress can completely overwhelm the skin vitality making the skin weak making it less resilient to external environment and internal abuse and stress can change completely the effect of all your hormones on the skin leading to inflammatory conditions like acne flaring up of your eczema, psoriasis as well as causing newer skin conditions and pigmentation. So what should one do and how does stress affect the skin. So overwhelmingly now one needs to understand that when we are stressed out we have certain changes that occur in our internal mileu starting from the brain here there is a very important organ which is the king of all hormones that is the hypoppitutary axis. Now this axis produces something called cortisol cortisol is a very important hormone it is our fight and flight hormone which gives us that immediate understanding of what we are supposed to do at one particular time but when we are constantly stressed the effect of cortisol goes up and stays plateaued. Now this cortisol immediately will help us. But when it's present in the skin and the body for a very long time can actually harm us by doing what the first thing that it does is it increases the amount of oil secretion in the body and this oil secretion then tends to clock the pores and this can lead to stress induced acne. So these adult acne are very difficult to treat. They normally do not respond to the conventional medications because its cause is the cortisol and not generally what causes acne the second thing it does is increases inflammation. Now when inflammation in the body increases there are a lot of changes that happen to the skin it causes flare up of eczemas psoriasis, vitiligos it can lead to certain changes not just in the skin but also to the scalp and hair and you start noticing severe hair loss. What stress and cortisol also do is although they produce more oil on the body the skin starts becoming drier the skin loses its skin barrier function and due to that the water loss from the skin starts increasing making the skin more flaky sensitive as well as irritable and that can also cause flare up of drier skins eczemas as well as psoriasis. Cortisol is a hormone which when present for a long time causes increased sensitivity of the surroundings so you start noticing more damage caused by pollution more damage caused by ultraviolet light and you start noticing more pigmentation patchy pigmentation on the face and last but not the least is chronically if cortisol and stress is high our collagen and elastin degradation is immeasurable and new production of collagen and elastin is brought down now when this happens signs of aging are visible you start noticing fine lines and wrinkles start noticing uneven texture bumpy skin and the radiance the freshness as well as the smoothness of the skin is lost so stress directly affects the skin in multiple ways and that we need to understand and that's where it comes. You can add more antioxidants because that will reduce the oxidative stress that is produced during High cortisol level so you take more fruits like berries citrus fruits which act as great antioxidants take internal sunscreens like your beta carotene rich bell peppers pomegranates watermelons ginger garlic all of these are natural sunscreens they are going to protect your skin prevent pigmentation prevent those fine lines and wrinkles which we normally see. When we are chronically stressed keep your skincare routine simple eat a healthy balanced diet do not forget to de-stress exercise and sleep well and see to it that your skin which is stressed out will then start feeling good and remember the brain and skin AIS is not just one way it is two-way so if your skin is feeling rehydrated good fresh it will transmit those signals to your brain and your stress levels will also come down.



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