Why I Took The Bird Netting Down... And Why You Shouldn't

Описание к видео Why I Took The Bird Netting Down... And Why You Shouldn't

RSM has some changes going on in Jurasschic Park especially since the loss of her beloved Gracie this summer. Now RSM has decided to take down the bird netting. But she still believes in its usefulness for many reasons! Learn all of the reasons why you SHOULD use bird netting to protect your backyard flock, and why RSM is calling it quits for her own personal chicken run.

THE CHICKEN TENDER'S JOURNAL IS READY FOR PURCHASE! RSM is so happy to offer this, and really appreciates your support. https://realsimplemama.com/the-chicke...

Remember that RSM has literally hundreds of videos here to help you get more detailed information on all kinds of topics, from chicken medical issues and general health, to chickens and your plants, to chicken treats and snacks! You can also email her at [email protected]

This video description may contain affiliate links. That means you don’t pay any extra money, but a cut of the purchase is paid to RSM. Feel free to email with questions or concerns. Thanks for supporting this teacher and her little flock!

RSM is not a medical professional.


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