Andrew Ide - Small Animal Anesthesia A New Method to Help Control Variables

Описание к видео Andrew Ide - Small Animal Anesthesia A New Method to Help Control Variables

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An anesthesia system designed to accommodate the physiological characteristics of small animals, including rats and mice, has the potential to provide great practical value to the life science research community. Small animal surgery requires an investment in equipment and time. The task of anesthetizing research subjects is complicated by the equipment itself, which is designed for use on larger species, such as humans or horses.

Laboratory animal anesthesia is governed by societal concerns to minimize harmful exposure to the research subjects and to the people performing the surgery. Today’s economy puts pressure on laboratories to conserve time and resources while maintaining successful research. A low flow anesthesia system designed to administer inhalant anesthetics to small animals can address those challenges and help control variables introduced into your study.

The presentation will provide you with an overview of key considerations when anesthetizing rodents. In addition you will learn about a new, low-flow vaporizers that uses 12x less isoflurane than your traditional canister-style vaporizer.


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