Delving Into Spring Boot Netflix: Netflix's Application Framework (SpringOne 2024)

Описание к видео Delving Into Spring Boot Netflix: Netflix's Application Framework (SpringOne 2024)

Netflix has developed over 3,000 applications utilizing Spring technologies, which support a wide range of business use cases. In this presentation, we will explore Spring Boot Netflix (SBN), an opinionated Java framework employed for application development at Netflix. We will explain its structure, the technologies it depends on, and the diverse capabilities and abstractions it offers to developers. This presentation, tailored towards developers, will examine the features introduced by SBN. We will discuss how they are implemented using the building blocks of the Spring framework, including Configuration, IPC, Security, and much more. In constructing this framework, we gained substantial knowledge, and we are eager to share our insights, inspire, and receive your invaluable feedback.

Speaker: Asi Bross, Senior Software Engineer, Netflix


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