Knowing Christ - Charles Spurgeon Sermon Jam Excerpt

Описание к видео Knowing Christ - Charles Spurgeon Sermon Jam Excerpt

The difference between merely 'knowing about Christ' and truly 'knowing Christ' is the difference between Heaven and Hell.

I know this to be true both biblically, and from experience.
For nearly two decades I believed myself to be a Christian, but wasn't... Attending church services, Sunday school, and Bible studies... Actively involved in youth group, church camps, and the worship team... I could have told you that salvation was by faith in Christ alone, yet subconsciously my faith was in myself and my heart was far from Him (Matt 15:8).

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved me, even when I was dead in my trespasses, made me alive together with Christ—by grace I have been saved!! (Ephesians 2:4‭-‬5)

Now, because the gospel is the power of God for salvation (Rom 1:16), my appeal to you (which would have been Spurgeon's appeal as well), is to look to Jesus...

At the core of the gospel message is the Righteous One suffering on the cross, not for His own sin (He had none!), but for the sin of the unrighteous ones (1 Pet 3:18). Behold the love of God on full display! See the judgement of God that you and I deserve, willingly endured for us by our precious Lord.

As Spurgeon has said, "I have never known a man who has thought upon, and taken a view of the cross, who has not found that it begat repentance, and begat faith. We look at Jesus Christ if we would be saved..."

If this glorious gospel hasn't thoroughly captivated your heart, it is of everlasting importance that you consider the possibility that you may not know Christ.

Thankfully, it pleased God to make Jesus known to self-righteous sinners like The Apostle Paul and me... It's not to late for you. Plead with God to open the eyes of your heart to see His all surpassing worth (Phil 3:8-9), and trust in Jesus' saving work on the cross!

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