The Reason Adult Children Are Still Living With Their Parents | Trade Off

Описание к видео The Reason Adult Children Are Still Living With Their Parents | Trade Off

Generation Boomerang
More than half of young Canadian adults aged between 20 and 29 still live with their parents. After a childhood of overprotection, overindulgence, over-everything, today’s young adults are finding the real world a little too real. Generation Boomerang examines the reasons why so many of today’s young adults are slow to launch out into the world. A tough economy gets much of the blame but a peek below the surface reveals that this is a generation reluctant to give up the comforts of home. Generation Boomerang weaves together personal stories with expert analysis. Sociologists and psychologists weigh in with differing views on whether this trend is a good thing or whether we are raising a generation of Peter Pans who will never grow up. For better or worse, this new living arrangement is something many experts believe is here to stay.

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