Spedeworth Banger Racing - The Early Years - Photos & Cine Film

Описание к видео Spedeworth Banger Racing - The Early Years - Photos & Cine Film

Managed to save the cine film to Video before all the equipment was dissposed of a few years ago. Then I realised this was really just the start off point for Spedeworth Banger racing on a regular format so put together this explanation.
Sorry for any quality loss but it has been converted from cine to video then to DVD and then onto youtube and of course its 40 years old in most cases.
Like to think its worth saving as archive material at least.
I took all the photos & cine film except for some my dad took as I was out there driving as # 562 (1974, 75 & 76 )
Apologies to any Spedeworth fans who dont like Bangers.
Sadly whilst compiling this I heard the news that Les Eaton had died in January.
Without him there would be no Spedeworth, but thats another story altogether.


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