2 Reddit Stories | Neighbor Asked to ‘Borrow’ My Car for a Week and Then Got Mad When I Said No!

Описание к видео 2 Reddit Stories | Neighbor Asked to ‘Borrow’ My Car for a Week and Then Got Mad When I Said No!

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My Neighbor Asked to ‘Borrow’ My Car for a Week and Then Got Mad When I Said No!
#scandalalert #reddit #relationships #reccomended #redditstorytime

So, it’s Tuesday afternoon, and I’m sitting at home, minding my business, enjoying a rare day off. My wife’s out, and I’m catching up on some yard work when there’s a knock at the door. Now, we live in this tight little neighborhood, and I barely know the people around here. Sure, there’s the usual “Hey, how’s it going?” or awkward waves when we both step out for the trash at the same time, but no deep conversations, you know? Anyway, I open the door, and there’s my neighbor from two houses down. We’ll call her Neighbor Lady (creative, I know). I swear, I’ve talked to her maybe twice before this. So, she’s standing there, looking a little flustered. I’m thinking maybe she locked herself out of her house or needs to borrow a lawn tool. Nope. Not even close. "Hey, sorry to bother you. So, my car’s in the shop, and it’s going to take them a week to fix it." I nod, waiting for her to ask for a ride or something reasonable. "Could I borrow your car for that time?" I kid you not. She asked to borrow my freaking car. For a whole week. I blinked at her, trying to process what she just said. Who does that? We aren’t even friends like that! "Wait, what?" I stammered. She tilts her head, like I’m the one acting weird. "Well, I really need it. My husband’s out of town, and I have appointments and errands. It’s just for a week." Now, I’m not a jerk. I’ve lent tools, helped with neighborly stuff. But my car? For a week? I don’t even lend my car to my brother unless I’m in the passenger seat! "Uh, no," I said, trying to be polite but firm. "I can’t do that." Her face changes instantly. She goes from polite to pissed. "Are you serious? It’s just a car!" I don’t even know what to say at this point. Like, who expects that? "Yeah, I’m serious. I can’t lend my car for a week. I need it." She huffs, crossing her arms. "It’s not like you’re using it all the time! I see it parked in the driveway most days!" At this point, I’m done being polite. "Look, I don’t care how often you see it. It’s my car. I need it." She scoffs, shaking her head like I’m being the unreasonable one. "I just thought you’d be neighborly." "Neighborly doesn’t mean giving you my car." She stormed off without another word, leaving me standing there, completely dumbfounded.

Friend Demands I Split My Inheritance with Them Because They Deserve It Too.

I never thought I’d be in this position—like, how does this even happen in real life? I inherited a decent amount of money recently. It wasn’t some massive fortune, but it was a good chunk of change that came from a distant relative on my mom’s side who passed away. I hadn’t seen this guy since I was a kid, so it was kind of a shock to even get anything at all. I wasn’t bragging about it or anything, but my close circle of friends knew. You know how it is—you casually mention something, and before you know it, everyone’s asking how you’re gonna spend it. I wasn’t even thinking about that. The money was just sitting there, and I hadn’t made any big decisions. Then comes my “friend,” who we’ll call F. F hits me up, acting like we’re best buds all of a sudden. Mind you, this is the same guy who ghosted me when I needed help moving apartments last year. Out of nowhere, he says, “Yo, so what are you gonna do with that money? I bet you're getting a new car or something sick, huh?” I just shrugged it off. I wasn’t about to start talking finances with him. But then he gets bold. “So, I’ve been thinking,” he says, “we’re super close, and I’ve always been there for you, right? I feel like I deserve a cut of that inheritance. You know, for all the times I’ve helped you out.” Helped me out? I almost laughed out loud. I was like, “What do you mean, ‘helped me out’?” And then he starts listing random things, like that one time he let me crash on his couch after a party, or the time he bought me a burger after my card declined at a fast-food joint. Really, dude? He’s acting like he’s been some kind of guardian angel. I told him, “That’s not how this works, man. This money is from a family member, and it’s staying in the family.” That’s when F lost it. He got all red in the face, started ranting about how I’m selfish and ungrateful. He even threw in some crap about how if roles were reversed, he’d totally share with me. Yeah, sure, buddy. This is the same guy who still owes me $200 from like three years ago. But F didn’t back down. He started getting more aggressive, texting me nonstop about how unfair I was being. I blocked him after a few days of constant harassment, but it didn’t stop there.


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